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Tour of Huangshan Mountain

time:2021-06-07 13:42:10

Huangshan Scenic Area, located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province, is the symbol of Anhui tourism and the only mountain scenery among the top ten scenic spots in China.

In June 2021, the company organized a two-day trip to Huangshan Mountain.

On Saturday morning, We arrived at the company at the appointed time and boarded the bus for Huangshan with full expectation.

On the way, the tour guide gave us a brief introduction to Huangshan Mountain.

Huangshan Mountain, formerly known as "Hushan Mountain", is famous for its dark peaks and distant view of Cangdai. Later, it was renamed as "Huangshan Mountain" because it is said that Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan once made an alchemy here. There are 72 peaks in Huangshan Mountain, and the main peak, Lotus Peak, is 1864 meters above sea level. It is one of the 36 major peaks in Huangshan Mountain, together with Guangmingding and Tiandu Peak. The representative landscapes are "five unique waterfalls", five unique: strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs and winter snow; Three waterfalls: Herringbone Waterfall, Baizhang Spring and Jiulong Waterfall. Huangshan welcoming pine is a symbol of Anhui people's enthusiasm and friendship, bearing the oriental etiquette culture that embraces the world. Xu Xiake, a traveler of the Ming Dynasty, praised when he boarded Huangshan Mountain: "The famous mountains at home and abroad are thin, but there is no Huangshan Mountain like the emblem. Climbing Huangshan Mountain, there is no mountain in the world, and you can stop watching it! " It was extended by later generations as "the return of the Five Mountains does not look at the mountains, and the return of Huangshan Mountain does not look at the mountains".

After nearly 4 hours' drive, after lunch, we arrived at Hongcun, the first destination of this tour.

Hongcun has been listed in the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO. It is one of the first batch of 12 famous historical and cultural villages in China, a national key cultural relics protection unit, a patriotic education base in Anhui Province and a national 5A scenic spot.

Hongcun is known as the "Village in Painting". By 2014, there were more than 140 houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties in the town. The main scenic spots are: spring dawn in the South Lake, reading by the Academy, wind and load in the Moon Marsh, water in the intestines of cattle, reflecting the Bi in Shuangxi, ancient trees in front of the pavilion, sunset in Leigang, etc.

The next day, visit Huangshan Scenic Area. After the bus arrives at the scenic area in the morning, first transfer to the scenic bus to go up the mountain, then take Yuping Cable Car to go up the mountain. Visit Yuping Scenic Area: see the welcoming pine, challenge the Lotus Peak, and pass the Lotus New Road (mobile phone stone, tortoise and rabbit race, wandering in the water), 100-step ladder, first-line sky (or Aoyu Cave), Tianhai Scenic Area, Guangmingding (the second peak of Huangshan). After lunch, take Yungu Cable Car down the mountain, finish your trip and return to Xiaoshan.

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